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  • How can I manipulate dates in XamWebChart


    I have a xamWebChart for which I have set the Auto range as false and the unit is calculated and set to display only the starting and ending time along the x axis.

    Now when ever the user zooms into a part of the graph we want to show him/her the start…

  • Multiple (dynamic) Series in Data Chart.


    I have a requirements to create a data chart which eventually have 4 (confirmed: not more not less) series.

    • 2 Line Series
    • 1 Column Series
    • 1 Range Area Series.

    All these series must be created dynamically (i.e. their X-Axis and Y-Axis points) based…

  • Animated Line Series using Motion Framework


    We have utilized the Motion Framework in our Scatter Chart series and it is really powerful feature in Infragistics controls suite. However I am wondering that can we also apply the same affect on LINE SERIES? I noticed on the below chart, they…

  • Dynamically creating stackedColumnchart


    I have a requirement to created a stacked column chart dynamically. That is at run time I can find number of stacks which need to created. All column will have the same number of stacks. Could you provide an example of how I can achieve this.