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  • UltraCombo will not populate from db query

    I have a custom combo box class that inherits UltraCombo. I need it to display data from a database query. I have verified that the data is in fact being retrieved (i.e. I can print the query results on the console from the method that is supposed to…

  • How to get UI status of the Chart?

    i am using ColumnSeries in UltraDataChart.

    Create a Series in one function and call the SaveTo function.
    Sometimes an empty image is created.

    So I want to check the state of the chart control and call a SaveTo function.

    void Test()
  • UltraCombo and UltraComboEditor Constraints

    Hi guys,

    I've just experience something weird. Or maybe it's just me. LOL.

    I have a table that has a unique key between two column in that table. Each column is also linked to a different table. I currently have a normal VS combo box on my form…

  • Changing UltraCheckEditor CheckState Programatically

    This is most probably a stupid question but yeah. How do I change the CheckState column that the CheckEditor is bound to programatically?

    Basically, I have a dropdown that would determine what the CheckState bound column should be. The datasource etc…

  • UltraCalcManager If statement with UltraOptionSet

    I'm trying to write up an if statement to check if OptionSet value is 0. If true then it needs to do the calculations, if not do another calculation.

    I've written an if statement on a MaskedEdit as follows:

    if ( [//methodUltraOptionSet] = 0,

  • Find Filtered BindingSource Index for UltraGrid Cell

    Sorry if this has been asked before. I just haven't been able to find the exact issue I'm having. I think I'm just totally missing it though.

    I have a datasource that I filter using the following in the texteditor_valuechanged event:


  • Azure DevOps build and Infragistics DLLs


    I am trying to automate the build process using Azure DevOps Build agent. It is a Windows Forms application heavily depending upon Infragistics. Given below are some reference points related to development machines:

    1. Infragistics is installed at path…
  • Update ToolTip text of UltraActivityIndicator in Winforms at runtime

    Hello team,

    I am trying to update the Tooltip text of an UltraActivityIndicator at runtime. I am not find able to find a property to do the same.

  • ProgressBarInfo value incrementing

    Hello team,

    I have a UltraStatusBar and added a Panel whose style is set to Progress. I want to show the user the progress of a long running process with its value. I set the Minimum as 0 and Maximum values as 100.

    Now my I have a loop which runs for 265…

  • Common Business Scenarios with Infragistics UltraDataChart

    Infragistics UltraDataChart Control has been engineered to dramatically simplify the way in which you visually present information to your end-users. Optimized for both performance and flexibility, the WinForms DataChart is a highly customizable control…

  • Implementing Master-Detail Scenarios with Infragistics UltraGrid, UltraDataChart and Entity Framework

    Infragistics Windows Form controls offer opportunities to cover different scenarios, representing data in your desktop applications. It is one of the best, most extensible third party controls that I have ever used for UI development. Some of the scenarios…