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  • xamdatagrid to datatable

    Is it possible to convert a xamdatagrid to a datatable?

    I have a customized export function that only accepts the type DataTable, however I field my data in a XamDataGrid. Is it possible to do this conversion?

  • Adding Vertical and Horizontal ScrollBar to a XamDataGrid

    I have a XamDataGrid whose width and height adjust automatically according to the filled information. However, the XamDataGrid itself is part of a fixed sized grid. In some cases, the last column or row are being cut out. So I need for the XamDataGrid to…

  • Accessing each cell of a multi-row XamDataGrid

    Good Morning 

    So I have the following multi-row XamDataGrid. Each Column is an attribute of an external database table. What I need to do is access each cell and extract it in string form in order to save it to the data base. How can I do so?

  • Adding a new line of records in a XamDataGrid

    Good morning 

    So I have the following XamDataGrid

    What I need to do is check if all the cells in the first row are not empty, a new second row will appear beneath the first row so that when I want to save multiple rows to the database it would be possible…

  • Binding two different ComboBoxFields in a XamDataGrid

    Good morning

    So I have the following XamDataGrid

    Each Combo contains a list of names and nicknames. what I need to do is when I select the nickname, the name gets selected automatically, and vise versa. So the selection of one needs to be attached…

  • 2nd ComboBoxField Filter display the ValuePath instead of DisplayMemberPath

    I'm using infragistics 14.2 ,in a XamdataGrid charged by a MvvM, the 2nd comboboxfield filter diplay de ValuePath instead of DisplayMemberPath but the 1st comboboxfield filter it works well 


    2nd ComboBoxField

    1st Combo box

    Both ComboBoxFied use a ObservableCollection…