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  • Date Separator fallsback to '/'

    If I set the dateseparator to - or anything else than '/', the datechooser shows the / for separator.  When going into edit mode, the separator changes to the one specified  (in CultureInfo of the control, or the current thread) but comes back to…

  • WebDateChooser - Reskin Issues

    Hi! I am reskinning the WebDateChooser control and i face the following issues...


    1. Can a close button be shown at the right hand top corner of the dropdown panel/calendar.. If yes, how do i wire the close panel script?

    2. The day format in the calendar…

  • WebDateChooser - Select current date

    I am using WebDateChooser Infragistics 7.1 on ASP.Net2.0 using c#. I want the webdatechooser to show todays date selected by default on the calendar when I open the calendar. Also if I change the month the same date as selected should be chosen on the…