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  • WebDateChooser Show Drop Down

    Hello, I am dynamically creating several WebDateChooser controls for a search criteria table. I have disallowed users to enter dates manually, only allowing them to change the date by selecting from the date drop down. my question is: is it possible to…

  • WebDateChooser dropdown image shows cross (X)


    One of our customers is facing an issue with WebDateChooser. They see a cross "X" on the WebDateChooser dropdown image instead of a down-arrow image. This looks to us that something is blocking the script for WebDateChooser, but we are not…

  • WebDateChooser Calender DropDown Year List


    I have WebDateChooser on my page.

    I want to show the complete list of year in calender of WebDateChooser from 1970 to current year,

    I used this method to show that.


    objControl.MinDate = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1);

    objControl.MaxDate =

    new Dat…