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  • Formating WebGrid using WebNumericEdit


    I have a page with a WebNumericEdit control and a grid....

    a column with diferent values (1 ... 0,25 ... 0,345678952315 ... 1,05498 ... 400 ...)

    I want that when the user enters the page,

    the values presented to him be with, let's say, max of 3 decimal…

  • WebCombo In Ultrawebgrid causes page crash


     I am using unbound ultrawebgrid with one of the columns as webcombo. User is supposed to put values in editable columns & select value from webcombo column or enter text in it. Then he click on the server side button to save the entered data. …

  • how to get the value of a cell by the column name


    How to get the value of a cell by the column name (in c#) in an ultrawebgrid please ?


  • Specify own image and style for sorted column


    How to customize the sorted column header? I'm using Infragistics2.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.v7.1,  Version=7.1.20071.40.

    I need to specify my own image, and my own background colour for the header of the sorted column in an UltraWebGrid. This says I…

  • Find html controls in row. findcontrol()

     I have a templated column with a checkbox in it:

         <igtbl:TemplatedColumn Key="CamBan" AllowUpdate="Yes" Width="5.55%">
                             <asp:CheckBox ID="cbCamBan" runat="server" Text="Ban" />…

  • Getting Column Properties from the UltraWebGrid

    What i'm looking for is how to get certain column properties back from the grid - in order to save user preferences for Ordering, Grouping and Sorting each time a user loads a particular Grid. I've listed below what i've found that may be useful - but…

  • Horizontal scroll disappears when column is 'fixed'

    Fellow coders... 

    I'm having a problem with the horizontal scroll bar disappearing when a column is 'fixed'. 

    I have a grid with two bands.  When the grid is first displayed (band 2 not showing) the horizontal scroll bar is not shown as band…

  • Copy of webgrid row with checkbox column not working

    Hi, I've edited my original message to make it easier to read and updated it to my current situation so please ignore my 2 subsequent posts.


    I've added a checkbox column with select all checkbox header to my webgrid as per this forum post http://forums…

  • Displaying a UTC date/time in grid as a local date/time

    To All,

    I am trying to generate a browse screen of appointments saved using the webscheduler for multiple 'resources' filtered by date (today).  There does not seem to be a way to use the webscheduler and webgrid together to generate an appoinment…

  • Multiple bands and data binding


    I've got a webgrid with 2 bands in it.  I've put a single column containing checkboxes in the first band and the second band I just want to able to bind a datatable to and have it dynamically generate the column headers.

    However when I bind the…

  • WebCombo causing postback


    I am using a Ultrawebgrid with one of the column as webcombo. I want to display value of last column of grid on selection of webcombo so I have attached SelectedRowChanged ate server side causing postback. 

    Whenever I click on webcmbo in any row…