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  • Filter Frustration

    It would seem that too many choices are just as bad as not enough.  Getting the filtering in the WebGrid to work seems to be some arcane combination of property settings and event handling code but the array of choices is just bewildering.  I've tried every…

  • Infragistic webgrid not working in properly in Google Chrome

    I  am using Infragistic webgrid in 2.0. My question is :
    As google chrome is new web browser, i just wanted to test the my test web page with this browser .
    As data which i bind with Infragistic webgrid on test web page works fine in firefox,ie ,but…

  • Gird Seleted Items Values


    I working on UltraWebGird

    My Requirement is I can select Multipule cells (that contains 'Int' Values) on the grid

    I need the all the selected values to collect in variable to sum(Addition) ,

    And I have to display the same in TooTip.


  • WebCombo in WebGrid trigger by double click instead of single click

     Hi all,

     I am wondering whether is possible to have a webcombo in webgrid that trigger by double click instead?

    Because, I would like to single click a webgrid cell to create / display another webgrid on page with additional information regarding the cell…

  • Column Widths with grouping bands and fixed table-layout

    Dear all. I have grid with grouping bands, and use DisplayLayout.TableLayout = Fixed (it is necessary to draw ellipsis on text overflow).

    What I need : grid should take 100% width and it should be possible to resize each column (and set their width…
  • Adding child row to a web-grid with javascript

    I am having some trouble adding the first child row to a webgrid.  I believe I have all the pemissions set correctly, however the following line returns null for aRow

    var aRow = igtbl_addNew(oGrid, 1); 

  • Can I bind a webgrid to a datareader?

    I was wondering if I can just bind a web grid to a datareader that is instanciated at runtime? or do I have to loop through the datareader to populate the columns and rows? Is there any help docs on this?
  • UltraWebGrid and doPostBack


    I am using the UltraWebGrid inside an UpdatePanel on my page and I am getting numerous Javascript errors after I call the __doPostBack function from a client-side event handler. The grid works fine beforehand, but after the function is called many…

  • Urgent:Could not find asp:FileUpload control in a template column when adding new row


    I am using webgrid with a Ms-Acess database using Oledbdataadapter.

    I want to upload two files to the database.I am using asp fileupload control in template columns of the grid for achieving this.

    Now the problem is that when a new row is added to…

  • Delete a row in Ultrawebgrid should reflect to database


     I am new to Infragistics. I have WebGrid in which I can delete a row but it is not at database level.

    I want that when user deletes a row that should reflect in the corrosponding table of database.

    how can i do this?

    Thanks .

  • context menu on cell click

    I need to show contextmenu on cell click.

    Contextmenu depends on cell column.

    After user select menu item, show different image inside the cell.

     Can someone help?



  • Design: Webgrid height differs between Firefox and IE

    Maybe you can help my company with this problem:

    We are using Ultrawebgrid and noticed that the design is different in Firefox, than it is
    in IE. We changed the height in the Displaylayout/Framstyle (f.e. 105px) and put the grid
    inside a div that…

  • How to remove Pager Link Underline?

    Dear all,

              I am using web grid in site. I change the Pager link color. i need to change the underline of the link. Help me any one.......



