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  • AutoComplete and Grid as dropdown suggestion list.

    My requirement is simple.

    I am looking for something like an autocomplete textbox in which when start typing it should show the fetched data from database table and display the matching  in a grid format as dropdown. 

    I tried this with webcombo control…

  • WebCombo: row is null


    I am using ultrawebcombo(hierarical Grid is placed inside the webcombo). I am getting error in FF, row is null. Error occur in afterselectchange .  wgrid.getActiveRow() it returns null in FF, but this is working fine in IE. Can any one help me for…

  • Press Arrow Server Event ?


    I am a new with Infragistics controls, and I have been searching for a while for a server event when i press de arrow button, this for refreshing the datasource with filtering rows on several columns based on the DisplayValue.

    The company version of…

  • filter valuelist whether adding or updating

    I have a situation where I have a webcombo dropdown box in a column in a webgrid.

    When users are updating existing records in the webgrid, I want the dropdown combo to contain a set of options in the webcombo - for discussions sake, say -> a, b, and…