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  • UltraWebCombo in editable mode, does not seem to have a consistent property to read.

    I have a ultra web combo (called category) which is databound to a data table of values (can be empty). how ever when trying to read the selected or entered value, it appears i have to read one of several values to find the selected/enetered value.


  • how to extend webCombo 7.1 to webDropdown multiselection.


    We are using infragestic web control of 7.1 version and we having requirement to use multiselection webCombo control in our application.

    Can anybody provide some code to extend current 7.1 webCombo control to current release webDropdown multiselection…

  • AutoComplete and Grid as dropdown suggestion list.

    My requirement is simple.

    I am looking for something like an autocomplete textbox in which when start typing it should show the fetched data from database table and display the matching  in a grid format as dropdown. 

    I tried this with webcombo control…

  • WebCombo: row is null


    I am using ultrawebcombo(hierarical Grid is placed inside the webcombo). I am getting error in FF, row is null. Error occur in afterselectchange .  wgrid.getActiveRow() it returns null in FF, but this is working fine in IE. Can any one help me for…

  • Correct Settings for dynamic data lookup in Database


     I want to achieve the following: In a Combo when the user typed 2 chars, a database-query (SELECT Name FROM Table WHERE Name LIKE '<CHAR_TYPED>%') should fill up the Combo with suitable values. It is because the table holds to many entries (10.000…

  • Initial value for a Webcombo

    I am having problems when setting a webcombo to an initial value. The code below usually fails when the selected index has a large value (there are 25,000 sites). When the DuplicateID is a low value (10 to 20) it usually works.  However there is no…
  • Press Arrow Server Event ?


    I am a new with Infragistics controls, and I have been searching for a while for a server event when i press de arrow button, this for refreshing the datasource with filtering rows on several columns based on the DisplayValue.

    The company version of…

  • WebCombo with editor and grid


    I need a functionality of dropdownbox with text editor in it. So I decided to use WebCombo. But I want to display only single column in webcombo & want it to look like normal dropdown. Also want a texteditor in webcombo. I achieved this by using…

  • filter valuelist whether adding or updating

    I have a situation where I have a webcombo dropdown box in a column in a webgrid.

    When users are updating existing records in the webgrid, I want the dropdown combo to contain a set of options in the webcombo - for discussions sake, say -> a, b, and…

  • WebCombo - Set selected value to None

    We have a webcombo box added to a page then Databound in code to an object, we can select a value, but when we select a value we loose the BLANK VALUE, and have no way to unselect the Value, is there a way to add a Title Value after Databinding, like…

  • Web Combo AutoGenerateColumns problem

    I have created the WebCombo with AutoGenerateColumns=false and try to bind the datasource. I am unable to view the values in the webcombo , but when i tried to generate the webcombo with autogeneratecolumns=true then i got the columns

  • WebCombo FindByText

    I have a webcombo on my page which is bound to a data table.
     this.WebCombo1.DataSource = DataSet1.tblBankAccounts;this.WebCombo1.DataMember = "tblBankAccounts";this.WebCombo1.DataTextField = "AccountNumber";this.WebCombo1.DataValueField…