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  • Cannot select an item from the WebCombo dropdown list

    In an aspx .NET application, using client OS WIn 7 and version 9.1.20091.2137 of the WebCombo control, under browser IE8, I have the following problem:

    I cannot select an item (using the mouse click) from the combo's dropdown list. The dropdown list is…

  • DisplayValue isn't set when ComboTypeAhead="Suggest"


    we're using a ObjectDataSource together with a WebCombo control. With 2008.2 we were able to filter the data returned by a Select() using the value from the DisplayValue property. In 2009.2, the DisplayValue isn't set anymore and it seems that we…

  • WebCombo: row is null


    I am using ultrawebcombo(hierarical Grid is placed inside the webcombo). I am getting error in FF, row is null. Error occur in afterselectchange .  wgrid.getActiveRow() it returns null in FF, but this is working fine in IE. Can any one help me for…

  • How to permit a user to enter something other than dropdown options when AJAX is not being used.

    Is it possible to let the user enter their own selection that is NOT in the dropdown when AJAX is not enabled in the control?  I can't seem to find a way to enable this.  My understanding of the concept of a ComboBox includes this functionality (a combo…