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  • UltraWebTree Doesn't Maintain State


    I have an application with a MasterPage.  On this MasterPage, I have an UltraWebTree used for navigation.  The navigation part works fine, but the tree goes back to its original state upon each post. 

    i.e.  I have node 1 with sub nodes A, B, C, and…

  • UltraWebTree Nodes with different indentation

    Hello everybody!!

    Is there any way for to set the same indentation for nodes with childs and nodes without childs?

    Different Indentation

     thanks in advance!!

  • Single and Double Click events in the Webtree

     Can anyone help me out with how we can set the controls for a single and double click eventson the nodes of the webtree. I want a single click to select the node and a double click to goto another page. Your hel will be gratly appreciated...

  • ReadXMLString throws exception 'Object Reference not set to an instance of an object'

     I've been trying to implement ReadXMLString method on the UltraWebTree but keep getting an 'Object Reference not set to an instance of an object' exception thrown.  Interestingly the XMl string I'm reading back in was originally generated by…