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  • Create Dtatview programatically

    I have 2 datatables that are in a dataset that I have retrieved from my database. They are related but have no relationship created within the dataset.

    How do I get this data into a hierarchical dataview and add the relationship?

    How do I programmatically…

  • WebTree's Node Check Box From ClientSide AddChild Method

    I am trying to add a checkbox to a node in the tree. The nodes are being added to the tree from the javascript.


    var loNewNode = loWebTreeNode.addChild("Node Name");

    How can I enable the check box from the client side (without inserting in…

  • Checking all child nodes with ManualSmartCallback

    Hi Guys,

     I'm struggling a bit here with the WebTree.  I'm trying to get it to expand and check all nodes when a node is checked.  (Expanding of children nodes isn't too important, but would be nice).

     I've seen the thread "WebTree Check All Child…

  • Treeview from SQL Reporting Services..

    I am trying to build a tree view from Reporting Sevices (I have added a reference to my web app for Reporting service).

    I have the following code:

    Protected Sub uwtReportFolders_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles uwtReportFolders…
  • Webtree with ManualSmartCallbacks Expands 2 Levels On each DemandLoad

    Each time a demand load occurs within my webtree it expands the node I click on and the first node that is added to the selected node too.

    i.e. Rather than just the children of the selected node being displayed it also dislays their children.


  • UltraWebTree embedded in WebDialogWindow Javascript error

    I wrote a javascript function to expand the nodes in the UltraWebTree.

    Itwas working find, until I embed the UltraWebTree into a WebDialogWindow control. And it keeps giving me this javascript error: 'undefined' is null or not an object.


  • Need a Sample - Getting all Checked nodes on Postback / Submit

    I would like to know if anyone have a sample where I get a list with all the nodes checked, Children and parents. 

    I would prefer getting it clients side so that I can pass it to a webservice (AJAX) and not do a postback. 

    If this is not the recomended way…

  • LoadOnDemand Nodes

    I was wondering if there was any way for me to detect nodes that are being loaded on demand? I noticed that there is not an "AfterDemandLoad" event that I can use to accomplish this so I was wondering if anyone had any ideas. My goal is to be able to…

  • Adding Tree Nodes and Node.Tag on client (javascript)

    I have a web application that uses two tree views.  The user is allowed to drag and drop from treeView1 to treeView2.  When populating treeView1 on the server side I store a file name in the tag property of the node.  On the drop event for treeView2 I want…

  • UltraWebTree ManualSmartCallback and Drag Drop

    Hello everyone,

     I have an Inftragistics tree control in my application that is configured to do load on demand with manualsmartcallbacks. I would also like to give my users the ability to drag and drop elements in the tree. After the drop has occured…