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  • Problems with Postbacks and LoadOnDemand


    i'm using the UltraWebTree Component (V. 9.1) with these Properties:

    <ignav:UltraWebTree ID="wtLog" runat="server" OnDemandLoad="wtLog_DemandLoad"
    LoadOnDemand="ManualSmartCallbacks" Height…

  • How can I cancel the "ondemandload" event on javascript function "demandLoad(treeID, nodeID)"

    Hi friends:

        How can I cancel the Event (ondemandload="UltraWebTree1_DemandLoad"  that is in server site) in javascript funcion ""demandLoad(treeID, nodeID)"(treeID, nodeID)" .

       If the "demandLoad(treeID, nodeID)"function…

  • Webtree with ManualSmartCallbacks Expands 2 Levels On each DemandLoad

    Each time a demand load occurs within my webtree it expands the node I click on and the first node that is added to the selected node too.

    i.e. Rather than just the children of the selected node being displayed it also dislays their children.


  • LoadOnDemand Nodes

    I was wondering if there was any way for me to detect nodes that are being loaded on demand? I noticed that there is not an "AfterDemandLoad" event that I can use to accomplish this so I was wondering if anyone had any ideas. My goal is to be able to…