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  • Extra font and labels tag after upgrade from 6.2 to 8.3


    I tried to upgrade a project from NetAdvantage 6.2 (CLR 1.x) to 8.3 (CLR 2.0).

    After I ran the "Project Upgrade Utility", the WebListbar has some extra font and labels tag, which make the program unable to compile.

    And another wiered…

  • force a group to always be expanded

    Is there a way that a group can always show expanded and not show the collapse icon and turn off the collapse when double-clicked? I am using the Explorer Bar view type and basically I need a global group with a header, but needs to always show.


  • The items inside the listbar sometimes do not show up...

    I have a ultraweblistbar with a ultrawebtree inside it ... 

    When i run the application sometimes the items inside the list bar do not show and it shows up as a black empty space inside the group. But when i click on another group and come back to the…

  • I can't align text to right of item in WebListbar V.10

    In 3.5 I can't align text right for item in WebListbar V.10 , it is set to  left , and I changed to right but it is no change in design time and run time ..

    Please, what is solve of this problem ?

  • Not able to view first active group Items in UltraWebListbar


      Its strange thing, I was using 7.3 version of WebLIstbar then today I have upgraded it to 9.1 controls.

    And what strange thing I found is take a weblistbar , add 2-3 groups , and some items in each group.

    default active group is first.

    Now run…

  • WebListbar dosent show item as a selected.


    when I clicked a perticular Item of weblistbar it opens on same page - as I want -  but WebListbar dosent show it as a selected.

    The same item can again be selected;

    Please help.

  • UltraWebListbar header clickable (single click not double)


    I want to expand my list with clicking the header for the group. Right now it's possible but how can I make it fire on single click and not just on double click?

  • How can i Hide a menu item in WebListBar


    How can i Hide a menu item in WebListBar

  • Weblistbar has border even if borderstyle is set to none

    I am using version 8.2 of the WebListBar. 

    I have a weblistbar inside a webasyncrefreshpanel and when the refresh panel does an async postback all of the weblistbars on the page get a border around them even if there is no items in the group. My listbars…

  • UltraListBar - Group - Header - Expansion Indicator


     I am using UltraListBar control on one of my web pages. I have used groups in the listbar, which expand and collapse on click of group header. I want to indicate their collapsed or expanded state with an expansion indicator (something like a webpanel…