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  • Does WebGrid allow displaying/hiding only through CSS styles display and visibility?

    Does WebGrid allow displaying/hiding through CSS styles display and visibility? I dont want to use WebGrid property Visible but want to display/hide only by setting style attributes display and visibility.

  • UltraWebGrid Select row issue on IE 7 & IE 8

    I am using UltraWebGrid of NetAdvantage version 9.1. I am getting selection problem in the grid on IE 7 and IE 8. When i select any one row then it is fine. But when i select any other row i get the following error: 'igtbl_StateChange.base.init' is null…

  • Webcombo in WebGrid doesn't show when using cell.beginEdit() in FireFox

     Hi All,

     I have come across a problem in firefox. I have a webgrid with webcombo on a page, (ajax enabled and uses update panel) I have also added the webgrid CellClickHandler on client.

    Basically, if a user first click on a cell, another webgrid on the…

  • UltraWebGrid with checkboxes and dropdowns as columns



    I want to display a scrollabe ultrawebgrid with some columns as dropdownlist or most probably webcombo ( which will be populated from database ) and checkboxes. Also I want to perform some functionality if checkboxes are selected on server side.

  • Custom 'No Data to Display' message


    Under some circumstances it may be possible for my Webgrid not to have any data and consequentially to display
    the 'No Data to Display' message.

    My question is: where can this message be changed? I would like to display my own custom message…

  • Problem with ultrawebgrid buttontype column

    Hi all,

     i have an ultrawebgrid inside a webasyncrefreshpanel. the code created inside the load event, create a column in the ultrawebgrid.

    the code that i have used is: 

                         Dim colonna2 As UltraGridColumn = New UltraGridColumn(True)

  • Unbound Ultrawebgrid


     I am using ultrawebgrid with unbound & multiheader columns to populate data. Data is getting populated correctly . But when the page is postbacked grid is refreshed without maintainng its state even though I am maintaining state while creating columns…

  • Webgrid: Add a new row to Webgrid with default Data


    I've recently made a Webgrid that allows users to Add new records to the grid,
    but they've also asked that, when they push the button to add a new line to the Grid,
    this new line already have certain standard data filled in.

    I've been looking…

  • WebCombo causing postback


    I am using a Ultrawebgrid with one of the column as webcombo. I want to display value of last column of grid on selection of webcombo so I have attached SelectedRowChanged ate server side causing postback. 

    Whenever I click on webcmbo in any row…

  • Paging "out of the box"

    Please forgive me- I'm an Infragistics newb.

    Does the UltraWebGrid (for .NET 3.5) support paging of a single bound DataSet?

     That is, I want to bind a DataSet to the grid, and then have the grid page itself (either totally on the client side or via…