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  • Related webcombos to load on demand (ajax)

    I have three related webcombos in webgrid.  Once the user selects the data in the first webcombo (static - preloaded), the second combo will be loaded via ajax, based on the first combo.  Then the third combo will be loaded via ajax based on the values…

  • Setting Initial Value with EnableXMLHttp

    I have a webcombo on a webform (not in a grid).  I set the datasource to a datatable in the InitializeDataSource event.  With EnableXMLHttp turned OFF I can successfully set my selected value (from a businessobject) in the DataBound event of the combo and…

  • igtbl_onBodyResize

    I have a WebCombo control on a web page. The combo box is removed from control collection after responding to an ajax call. The full page is not re-populated. However, the igtbl_onBodyResize function is still called after the webcombo is removed.


  • Trouble handling ClientSideEvents.BeforeDropDown in WebCombo

    Hello there.

     I'm having a little bit of a trouble trying to update a WebCombo using AJAX. I have tried to populate the combo either in the BeforeDropDown and EditKeyUp events, but as i am able to make the ajax call, it always throws a javascript error…

  • What is the significance of Enable Ajax checkbox on Webcombo.

    I have two questions

    1. I have 4 webpanels in my page. The webpanel2 has webcombo box( WebComboOutbound) and WebAsyncRefreshPanel. In the webAsyncRefreshPanel, I have chart display.

    I have set theTriggerControlID of webAsyncPanel set to "WebPanelOutbound…

  • Help a newb with enabling AJAX on a WebCombo

    OK.  I have a WebCombo that I bind to a DataSet at runtime.  I would like to enable AJAX conditional downloading of the text/values. 

    I know that I must set the attribute EnableXmlHTTP = true, and somehow handle the InitializeDataSource event.  I'm stump…