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  • AddLinkedRequestTrigger not working with WebAsyncRefreshPanel on UltraWebTab

    Can anyone show me how to make it work.  What I want to do is to update the Label2 with the latest time and refresh (async) the WebAsyncRefreshPanel1 at the Button2_Click event.  So, then, Label1 is refreshed with the same timestamp as Label2.  The problem…

  • No Image Button Click Event

    Hi all,

    Scenario : One Image Button on a User Control. The UserControl added Server Side into a Async Refresh Panel. Click the Button -> Event not rised !?

    I have the same Problem with a Web Combo and the 'Selection Changed Event'...


  • WARP + Ajax Control Toolkit

    Hi I am using WARP panel in which I have some text boxes those text box use to enter zipcode,phonenumber and date so I am using masked editor control of ajaxcontroltoolkit to provide rich interface to the user now my problem is when page load for first…

  • WARP Slow completeing

    I have a WARP Panel arround my page to capture the postbacks, and overall it is workign as expected. But since I use all Infragisitic controls on the page, it seems to be running the PreRender of all the controls on the post back of the WARP.


  • Grid Rows Clear After 2nd WARP Refresh

    Odd behavior here.

    On one page, I have 4 grids.  Call them grdMaster, grd1, grd2, and grd3.  Each of the last 3 grids has their own WARP control (wrp1, wrp2, wrp3).  When a row is changed on grdMaster I execute:


  • Webpanel wrapped in Web Asynchronous Refresh Panel doesn't work in IE7


        I'm having  a Infragistics WebPanel wrapped inside a WARP. It works well with IE6 but Webpanel doesnt seem to work asnychronoulsy in IE7. I'm having 7.3 version of Infragistics. Is there any hotfix for this? Any help would be appreciated.



    STEP1: I have a tree view(TreeView1) inside WARP1

     STEP2:I create a new context menu(popup menu) and put it INSIDE the same WARP1.

    PROBLEM1: The context menu is not able to detect clicks on it properly.

    STEP3:  Run the script window.showModalDialog inside…


    I have a data grid inside WARP,

    I have written the code for data binding inside InitializeDataSource function.

    I enable ajax and select xmlloadonDemand = synchronous.

    the data grid is not displaying any data and is blank.

    Please help, very urgent…

  • Had to copy WebDataInput DLL to SharePoint site for WebAsyncRefreshPanels

    I had to add "Infragistics2.WebUI.WebDataInput.v7.1.dll" in the Bin directory of my SharePoint site before my web part would show up.  My web part contained four linked WebAsyncRefreshPanels.  I did not have to have that DLL as a reference in…