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  • After upgrading from .net framework to .net6 ultragrid displays some double variables as infinite


    I am using the UltraGrid control in version 23.1.52 on .NET 6 and after upgrading from .Net Framework 4.6.1 it displays some double variables as infinite. The value comes from a SQL query "ek.CLeNumber * ek.CLeSum AS Sum".

    In the attached…

  • Infragistics JQuery Chart Control using XML Binding

    The JQuery Chart control by Infragistics offers some amazing features and functionalities, which will allow you to create and add interactive graphs on your web page. It does not matter if you have just started with JQuery or have many years of experience;…

  • What can C# be used for?

    Over the last few weeks, we have looked in depth at C#, including a guide for those just starting out with the language. In this post, we are going to look a little more at what type of projects C# can be used for, and the type of code the languages particular…

  • Infragistics insights - tech news roundup

    We’re used to an undercurrent of competition in the struggle over tech world dominance, but this week things flared up following Google’s publication of a security flaw in Windows. Microsoft hit back, saying they were on the brink of releasing…