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  • UltraWebMenu _MenuItemClicked does not get fired...

    I have 3 events for UltraWebMenu...

    UltraWebMenu_DataBound, UltraWebMenu_MenuItemBound ,UltraWebMenu _MenuItemClicked

    Out of the above three events, _MenuItemClicked does not get fired even after setting the AUTOPOSTBACK mode to TRUE in the designer…

  • UltraWebMenu / javascript Window.Open


    In my UltraWebMenu, how can I get the Default.aspx to load using client-side scripts when Sub1 submenu has been clicked.  Please see the attachment. The javascript Window.Open does not work for me.


  • WebDialogWindow counteracts with the UltraWebMenu javascript functionality.


    When I click on the Default2 submenu, my UltraWebMenu1_ItemClick javascript on the MasterPage gives me an error message.  How can I overcome this?  Please see the attachment.

    Note: WebDialogWindow control is the cause of this problem. Aslo, in my attachment…

  • Ultra Web menu CSS Issue

    Am using the UltraWebmenu in a masterpage which works fine. But when i add a the web slider control to any of the content pages the CSS of the menu gets disturbed. Is there any way to resolve this issue??

  • UltraWebMenu

    I am Using Ultraweb menu in MasterPage. One i Check in FF, I am Getting Error Like this 

    this.__igmenu_navigateUrl is not a function.

    This Error shows in WebResources.asd.


    Can any one fix... Please I need a Solution. Its very urgent.

  • SubMenu not showing Properly (top instead of bottom) Version 2009 V1

    Why is the submenu showing up on the top instead of the bottom? and this if I place a <p>&nbsp;</p > otherwise I would not even see the submenu at all
    <form id="form1" runat="server">

  • How to detect which -sub -sub menu item was selected (UltraWebMenu).

     using UltraWebMenu . . . . I can set a break point in

    UltraWebMenu_MenuItemClicked and know what was clicked . . . . but only for
    top level and 1 level down menus . . .

    why doesn't UltraWebMenu_MenuItemClicked fire for

    -sub -sub (flyout) menu…

  • Align some menu items on left-hand side and some on right-hand side


    I have a WebMenu that has 8 top-level items. I want to left-justify 5 of them and then right-justify the remaining 3 items. I added the following tags to get all items to left-justify:

            this.UltraWebMenu1.Width = Unit.Percentage(100);

  • Flyout sub-menu not firing UltraWebMenu_MenuItemClicked on a MasterPage.

    I am using UltraWebMenu . . . .
    I can set a break point in UltraWebMenu_MenuItemClicked and know what was clicked . . . . but only for
    top level and 1 level down menus . . .

    why doesn't UltraWebMenu_MenuItemClicked fire for -sub -sub (flyout) menu…

  • UltraWebNavigator 6.3.20063.53 Not Working

     Upgrading a working .NET 1.1 app to CLR 2.0. The popup menus are built on fly server side:

    ui = new Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebNavigator.Item();

    ui.Tag = "PreviousDay";

    ui.Text = "Previous day";



    This builds the…