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  • Align some menu items on left-hand side and some on right-hand side


    I have a WebMenu that has 8 top-level items. I want to left-justify 5 of them and then right-justify the remaining 3 items. I added the following tags to get all items to left-justify:

            this.UltraWebMenu1.Width = Unit.Percentage(100);

  • Re: UltraWebMenu


    this is what i given for target.


    "Purchasing").TargetUrl =


     I am getting error in like this

    Error: this.__igmenu_navigateUrl is not a function
    Source File: http://localhost…

  • SubMenu not showing Properly (top instead of bottom) Version 2009 V1

    Why is the submenu showing up on the top instead of the bottom? and this if I place a <p>&nbsp;</p > otherwise I would not even see the submenu at all
    <form id="form1" runat="server">