Grid Column Reordering & Moving

    The React Grid Column Moving feature in Ignite UI for React allows quick and easy column reordering. This can be done through the Column Moving API or by dragging and dropping the headers to another position via mouse or touch gestures. In the React Grid, you can enable Column Moving for pinned and unpinned columns and for Multi-Column Headers as well.

    [!Note] Reordering between columns and column groups is allowed only when they are at the same level in the hierarchy and both are in the same group. Moving is allowed between columns/column-groups, if they are top level columns.

    [!Note] If a column header is templated and the Column Moving is enabled or the corresponding column is groupable, then the templated elements need to have the draggable attribute set to false!

    [!Note] If the pinned area exceeds its maximum allowed width (80% of the total IgrGrid width), a visual clue notifies the end user that the drop operation is forbidden and pinning is not possible. This means you won't be allowed to drop a column in the pinned area.

    function headerTemplate(ctx: IgrCellTemplateContext) {
        return (
           <IgrIcon draggable="false" onClick={onClick}></IgrIcon>

    React Grid Column Moving Overview Example


    Column moving feature is enabled on a per-grid level, meaning that the IgrGrid could have either movable or immovable columns. This is done via the moving input of the IgrGrid.

    <IgrGrid moving="true"></IgrGrid>


    In addition to the drag and drop functionality, the Column Moving feature also provides API methods to allow moving a column/reordering columns programmatically:

    moveColumn - Moves a column before or after another column (a target). The first parameter is the column to be moved, and the second parameter is the target column. Also accepts an optional third parameter Position (representing a DropPosition value), which determines whether to place the column before or after the target column.

    // Move the ID column after the Name column
    const idColumn = grid.getColumnByName("ID");
    const nameColumn = grid.getColumnByName("Name");
    grid.moveColumn(idColumn, nameColumn, DropPosition.AfterDropTarget);

    move - Moves a column to a specified visible index. If the passed index parameter is invalid (is negative, or exceeds the number of columns), or if the column is not allowed to move to this index (if inside another group), no operation is performed.

    // Move the ID column at 3rd position.
    const idColumn = grid.getColumnByName("ID");

    Note that when using the column moving feature, the ColumnMovingEnd event will be emitted if the operation was successful. Also note that in comparison to the drag and drop functionality, using the column moving feature does not require setting the moving property to true.


    There are several events related to the column moving to provide a means for tapping into the columns' drag and drop operations. These are ColumnMovingStart, ColumnMoving and ColumnMovingEnd.

    You can subscribe to the ColumnMovingEnd event of the IgrGrid to implement some custom logic when a column is dropped to a new position. For example, you can cancel dropping the Category column after the Change On Year(%) column in the following code snippet.

    function onColumnMovingEnd(grid: IgrGridBaseDirective, event: IgrColumnMovingEventArgs) {
       if (event.detail.source.field === "Category" && === "Change On Year(%)") {
            event.detail.cancel = true;
    <IgrGrid autoGenerate="false" moving="true" data={data} columnMovingEnd={onColumnMovingEnd}>
        <IgrColumn field="Category"></IgrColumn>
        <IgrColumn field="Change On Year(%)" dataType="Number" ></IgrColumn>


    In addition to the predefined themes, the grid could be further customized by setting some of the available CSS properties.

    In case you would like to change some of the colors, you need to set a class for the grid first:

    <IgrGrid className="grid"></IgrGrid>

    Then set the related CSS properties to this class:

    .grid {
        --ig-grid-ghost-header-text-color: #f4d45c;
        --ig-grid-ghost-header-background: #ad9d9d;
        --ig-grid-ghost-header-icon-color: #f4d45c;


    API References

    Additional Resources

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