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The type 'WebScheduleInfo' exists in both 'Infragistics4.WebUI.WebSchedule.v19.1...

I already deleted the duplicate references, and those errors still appear to me.

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    Hello Edri Alan Angulo Arteaga,

    Thank you for posting in our forum.


    Regarding your query, we would like to advise you to try and remove any references to the WebUI.WebSchedule assembly and then have your IDE automatically add them for you.

    Also, please keep in mind that Visual Studio will bind already added references to the entire solution. You could see them under the “References” option in the Solution Explorer. You should check all of your references of the WebUI.WebSchedule assembly there as well, because even if you are not using a duplicated reference, explicitly in a file, the application will still fail, at runtime, with the error that you have described.


    We will be happy to stay in touch in case you need additional assistance.

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