Blazor Grid Column Pinning

    The Ignite UI for Blazor Column Pinning feature in Blazor Grid enables developers to lock specific columns in a desired order, ensuring visibility all the time even when users scroll horizontally through the IgbGrid. There’s an integrated UI for Column Pinning, accessible via the Blazor Grid toolbar. Additionally, developers have the flexibility to build a custom user interface which changes the pin state of the columns.

    Blazor Grid Column Pinning Example

    This example demonstrates how you can pin a column or multiple columns to the left or right side of the IgbGrid.

    Column Pinning API

    Column pinning is controlled through the Pinned property of the IgbColumn. Pinned columns are rendered on the left side of the IgbGrid by default and stay fixed through horizontal scrolling of the unpinned columns in the IgbGrid body.

    <IgbGrid Data=data AutoGenerate=false>
        <IgbColumn Field="Name" Pinned=true></IgbColumn>
        <IgbColumn Field="AthleteNumber"></IgbColumn>
        <IgbColumn Field="TrackProgress"></IgbColumn>

    You may also use the IgbGrid's PinColumn or UnpinColumn methods of the IgbGrid to pin or unpin columns by their field name:

    @code {
        grid.PinColumn("AthleteNumber", 0);
        grid.UnpinColumn("Name", 0);

    Both methods return a boolean value indicating whether their respective operation is successful or not. Usually the reason they fail is that the column is already in the desired state.

    A column is pinned to the right of the rightmost pinned column. Changing the order of the pinned columns can be done by subscribing to the ColumnPin event and changing the InsertAtIndex property of the event arguments to the desired position index.

    A column is pinned to the right of the rightmost pinned column. Changing the order of the pinned columns can be done by subscribing to the ColumnPinScript event and providing a JavaScript function for changing the InsertAtIndex property of the event arguments to the desired position index.

    <IgbGrid Data=data AutoGenerate=true ColumnPinScript="onColumnPin"/>
    //In JavaScript
    function onColumnPin(e) {
        if (e.detail.column.field == "Country") {
            e.detail.insertAtIndex = 0;
    igRegisterScript("onColumnPin", onColumnPin, false);

    Pinning Position

    You can change the column pinning position via the Pinning configuration option. It allows you to set the columns position to either Start or End. When set to End the columns are rendered at the end of the grid, after the unpinned columns. Unpinned columns can be scrolled horizontally, while the pinned columns remain fixed on the right.

    <IgbGrid Data=data AutoGenerate=true Pinning="pinningConfig"></IgbGrid>
    @code {
        private IgbPinningConfig pinningConfig = new() {
            Columns = ColumnPinningPosition.End


    Custom Column Pinning UI

    You can define your custom UI and change the pin state of the columns via the related API.

    Let's say that instead of a toolbar you would like to define pin icons in the column headers that the end user can click to change the particular column's pin state.

    This can be done by creating a header template for the columns with a custom icon.

    <IgbGrid AutoGenerate="false" Data="CustomersData" Name="grid" @ref="grid">
        <IgbColumn Field="ID" Hidden="true"></IgbColumn>
        <IgbColumn Field="CompanyName" Header="Company" Width="300px" 
        HeaderTemplateScript="WebGridPinHeaderTemplate" Name="column1" @ref="column1"></IgbColumn>
        <IgbColumn Field="ContactName" Header="Name" Width="200px" Pinned="true"
        HeaderTemplateScript="WebGridPinHeaderTemplate" Name="column2" @ref="column2"> </IgbColumn>
        <IgbColumn Field="ContactTitle" Header="Title" Width="200px" Pinned="true"
        HeaderTemplateScript="WebGridPinHeaderTemplate" Name="column3" @ref="column3"> </IgbColumn>
    // In JavaScript
    igRegisterScript("WebGridPinHeaderTemplate", (ctx) => {
        var html = window.igTemplating.html;
        window.toggleColumnPin = function toggleColumnPin(field) {
            var grid = document.getElementsByTagName("igc-grid")[0];
            var col = grid.getColumnByName(field);
            col.pinned = !col.pinned;
        return html`<div>
        <span style="float:left">${ctx.column.field}</span>
        <span style="float:right" @pointerdown="${() => toggleColumnPin(ctx.column.field)}">📌</span>
    }, false);


    Pinning Limitations

    • Setting column widths in percentage (%) explicitly makes the IgbGrid body and header content to be misaligned when there are pinned columns. For column pinning to function correctly the column widths should be in pixels (px) or auto-assigned by the IgbGrid.


    In addition to the predefined themes, the grid could be further customized by setting some of the available CSS properties. In case you would like to change some of the colors, you need to set an ID for the grid first:

    <IgbGrid Id="grid"></IgbGrid>

    Then set the related CSS properties to this class:

    #grid {
        --ig-grid-pinned-border-width: 5px;
        --ig-grid-pinned-border-color: #FFCD0F;
        --ig-grid-pinned-border-style: double;
        --ig-grid-cell-active-border-color: #FFCD0F;


    API References

    Additional Resources

    Our community is active and always welcoming to new ideas.