
Handle an Event in WebDataGrid

The client-side and server-side events are separated into categories based on the behaviors they correspond to in WebDataGrid™. For example, the RowUpdated event is found under the EditingCore behavior.

At design time, you can find server-side events in the Events section of the property window once you add a behavior to WebDataGrid. You can find client-side events in the ClientEvents section under a particular behavior. For example, the RowUpdated client-side event is under the EditingClientEvents property of the EditingCore behavior.

The following code shows you how to add event handlers at runtime for the RowUpdated client-side and server-side events.


The parameters passed to WebDataGrid’s client-side events are the object that caused the event and the event arguments, in that order.

In Visual Basic:

AddHandler Me.WebDataGrid1.Behaviors.EditingCore.RowUpdated, AddressOf EditingCore_RowUpdated
' Assign to the property the name of your client-side function
Me.WebDataGrid1.Behaviors.EditingCore.EditingClientEvents.RowUpdated = "WebDataGrid1_RowUpdated"

In C#:

this.WebDataGrid1.Behaviors.EditingCore.RowUpdated += new RowUpdatedHandler(EditingCore_RowUpdated);
// Assign to the property the name of your client-side function
this.WebDataGrid1.Behaviors.EditingCore.EditingClientEvents.RowUpdated = "WebDataGrid1_RowUpdated";

In JavaScript:

function WebDataGrid1_RowUpdated(sender, e) {
// sender is the object and e is the argument list