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  • YouTube channel, User’s Guide, FAQ section, Knowledge base

  • Quick Tip: Switch the Command and Control keys on your Mac

    If you've worked on Windows machines your whole life like I have, switching to a Mac can be quite daunting. Besides relearning where everything is, you'll quickly notice, that the "Control" key on your Mac doesn't perform the same function as it does…

  • Re: Usability issues

    Hi Dams,

    Thank you for posting at IG forums!

    Dams said:

    1. the navigation bar is not clickable: I should be able to click on the level of hierarchie I want to go instead of using the back / forward arrow click by click.

    This is already implemented…

  • upgrade?

    I have version 1.5.1 for Mac, which doesn't really work very well.

    Even though I fill in correct URL with correct pw I can only one url works. This is trying to access documents in the same institution.

    How can I upgrade to version 2? Hopefully…

  • Team Discussions broke?

    I am doing a demo of your app for a customer soon but I've noticed that the Team Discussions part seems to not work as it should.

    I have created a conversation string and I can view this fine via the web interface but the app shows they replys on…

  • Additional site not allowed


    I'm using SharePlus Pro v2.0 on a Mac (Lion). I can only one of my company sharepoints sites. When I try to add a second one, I get the message "This site is already configured".

    In previous versions 1.x that problem doesn't exist…