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  • Dragging foreign elements into the tree

    Has anyone a working example for dragging foreign elements into the
    tree? I need a custom toolbox to be able to create the tree dynamically by drag and drop but I don't know how.


  • How to get Checked Node values in Controller.

    Seasonal Greetings, 

    How to get Checked Node values in Controller on form submit. I'm Using Tree Control (CheckboxMode.TriState) in MVC. Could any one please direct me with this. Appreciate your help

  • Different Checkbox-Modes per Tree-Level/Binding


    Is it possible to set only root level with checkboxes and child levels not showing checkboxes?

    I only want to select the first level, all other children should not be possible to select/modify.

    Childs should only have informative character.

  • Beginner questions regarding jQueryTree control

    I have three questions regarding the jQuery tree. I am using MVC3 and razor.

    I have set up the tree using code in the controller:

    TreeModel treeModel1 = new TreeModel();
    treeModel1.ID = "TreeInController1";
    // Configure data source

  • igTree moved node destination path


    Can you please tell me a way of getting the real destination path for a moved node in a tree in the "nodeDropping" or "nodeDropped" events?

    I ve got the initial path in the "nodeDropping" event and it's ok in all test…

  • Adding data to Datasource

    Hello All

    I want to add data to the data source of igtree using a for loop

    My nodes are gonna be Well #1, Well #2 and their child being Stage #1, Stage #2 and so one so forth.

    Can anyone help me include a for loop in the following format:

    var data…

  • igTree - two lines of text in a node

    Hi.  Is it possible to have two lines of text and a checkbox for each node in an igTree?

    I tried this and got the result in the attached image.

    .ID(Model.UniqueId + "-notes-tree")

  • IgTree VirtualScrollTo

    Dear Team,

    I am selecting the node in bottom of the tree on button click, i want to show the selected node by scrolling to that node. 

    Some thing like VirtualScrollTo in igGrid.

    Please guide how to do this



  • MVC Html or Ajax helper for jQuery interaction with tree


    Do you know a which configuration of Html or Ajax helper tags would allow calling a procedure with a get method? I need to simply generate a link that can call a jQuery method without posting to the page. The method called interacts with igTree…

  • Reading text of child nodes


    I have a need to be able to read text from an array of selected children (supposedly available using the 'children' method). Is there any way to access this array to do this?


    Walter Sobchak

  • Expand all nodes?


    As the subject says, is there a way to expand all nodes? We're putting the tree in a scrolling div so we want the whole thing to be expanded at once.

    Any ideas?

  • Limits on node levels


    Is there a way to allow only 2 levels deep for nodes? I need parent and child only. I have tried explicitly checking for existence of a parent node and parent.parent node but that doesn't seem to work.

    Any ideas?


  • Deselect a node?


    How would I remove the selection of a node on a click off the tree or node and/or deselect it on a click onto the same already selected node?

  • IgniteUI Libraries

    I'm trying to assemble a working example of the following example on Ignite UI:

    The libraries that are missing:

    using IgniteUI.SamplesBrowser.Models.Northwind;
    using IgniteUI.SamplesBrowser.Models.…

  • Retrieving data from igTree to MVC Controler on Event

    IG Team,

    Is there a way to read or structure all nodes and return their data to a controller? I need to access all nodes and build a string for analysis on the server side on a click event. Either that or return the entire data structure for traversing…

  • $("#treeview").igTree("CheckedNodes") issue


    I am trying to find the if any of the nodes are checked. I am using var nodes = $("#treeview").igTree("CheckedNodes");

    even when no node is checked the var node has length = 1

    I have a code which should run only when a node is…

  • igTree 2013.2: Using node content templates with knockout.


    Is it possible to use node content templates in the igTree control when when using KnockoutJS data binding? When i tried to use a content template the node text was replaced with java script code instead of the property value.

    Here is an example…

  • Tree view binding using knockout not updating its content when viewmodel changes...


    I am using IgTree Ignite UI control with knockout bindings but the tree view is not getting updated when I changed my view model.

     In the given code base on click of tree ("Baby 2013" node) node event I am trying to add new JSON subgroup…

  • igTree Knockout mark items for delete (_destory)

    Dear to whom it may concern,


    I have an igTree bound to a viewModel using Knockout and this is working well.

    I am returning the viewModel to the server, by Ajax JSON Post to Web API (ASP.NET), on a Button Click event.

    My problem is that when I delete…

  • Tree in Ignite


    I need Tree structure View. I can do the things Folder under files but I need folder under another folder after that file. Multiple hierarchy in Tree view. Can please help me out sample and explanation and how do we form the data in Dynamically.…

  • igTree with children of different types

    Is it possible to build a tree where different branches lead to different things. For example:

    var TreeRoot = [{ "Title": "Something", "Something's Children": [{}]}, { "Title": "Something Else", "Something Else's Children": [{}] }];…

  • adding two results from findNodesByText

    I want to add

    foundNodes = $( this.treeIDMap.igTree( "findNodesByText", "test1") )


    foundNodes = $( this.treeIDMap.igTree( "findNodesByText", "test2") )

    Seems that the return is an object not a list, so there…

  • how to implement filteration in infragistics tree


    I want to implement infragistics tree control in mvc with filteration.

    can anyone provide me any sample for it.


  • infragistics tree control with filteration and also highlighting in mvc


    I want to use infragistic tree control with filter on top of tree control and also highlighting the selected node in mvc.

    can anyone provide me any sample related to it??


  • uncheckedNodes but only root nodes.

    I want to use the uncheckedNodes/checkedNodes but I have over 1500 of them and I get a script error. I just need  away to select root nodes. I have about 50 tree's in my display and just want to simulate check each one of the 50.

     nodes = $( this.treeIDMap…