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  • Ig combo

    i am able to display images in ig combo using item template but when selecting any item from combo box it displaying path of image instead of image .So how  to display selected combo item as  image .my application in mvc .please provide sample code 

  • Not able to show the infragestic combobox inside my Partial View


    I am new to infragestics controls. i have a partial view inside the partial view i am using the infragestic Combobox . I call the Partial view from my main view repeatedly for showing it as an Accordion, The combobox are appear perfectly if only…

  • Getting .val() from combo/datepicker controls.


    I'm using MVC4 with NetAdvantage for jQuery to do an ajax JSON submit, but am having trouble pulling the data out of any fields other than TextEditor, due to the .ID syntax only changing the span ID, and leaving the ID of the actual element unmodified…

  • How to use delegated version of Jquery .on() with infragistics events

    The code below works.  The .on() function in JQuery is can attach the event.  However, if I replace the combo with AJAX, I have to attach again.  I would like to use the delegated version of the .on() function.  In this example, The commented out code does…