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  • Multiband - How can I limit the display to only part of a hierarchical dataset?

    Multiband - How can I limit the display to only part of a hierarchical dataset? I have a hierarchical dataset with which I only want to show part of the dataset hierarchy in a grid. 

    The dataset looks something like this (using parent/child analogy. Each…

  • Bind ultragrid or datasource to big xml file

    Hi all,

    i try to bind a xml file (8MB) to the  ultragrid. The xml file stores five tables with hierarchical level data.

    I load the xml in a MS Dataset and use the datasource to bind the dataset to the grid but its run for a long time.

    The grid display…

  • Problem of loading time in a grid with StrataFrame



    First of all, I'm a french developper so sorry for my english and if I make mistakes.

    I'm using Infragistics grid in my project. I'm testing StrataFrame and I made tests to compare the time of grid loading.

    With a Infragistics…

  • Vertical line in UltraGrid - Need urgent help

    Hi all

     I am using ultraGrid for a data entry win-form, I dont know what i was doin in properties some thing suddenly wrong with grid, its now showing a vertical line at the centre of grid and all columns are again showing in next to that line.... simple…

  • Excel like Number Formatting


    Our users require a grid in an Excel spreadsheet alike way. Numbers with decimals should appear als rounded integer values for display. Only once a cell enters edit mode, the original number should be there including the decimals. FYI, the grid is…

  • UltraWinGrid ViewStyle MultiBand problem

    After the the grid data bound, there is a expandable sign (plus sign) in front of some parent rows that don't have any child rows under it. How can I get rid of the expandable sign? Thanks in advance!
  • Group Header with more than one line


    I'm trying to have a group header with costom description disposed on more than one line; a sort of a preamble description for the row summary.

    I've tried with the InitializeGroupByRow event setting the description property to:


  • Get rid of focus cues on grid row?


    I use my own style for the grid. The chosen color scheme leads to orange
    focus cues on blue background on an active selected row. This is ugly and therefore I would like
    to completely disable the focus cues. Is there a way to do that?

    Thanks in advance…

  • Filtering multiple Ultrawingrids with one Ultrawingrid's filter


    I was wondering if this is possible, I have a couple of grids on one screen, and i need the data on the rest be filtered as i filter one of them, so i was wondering if theres any way to syncrhonize one grids column filter with another grids column…

  • Get summary value for each group-by row



    I have an UltraGrid that have grouped rows. How can I get the summary value for each group-by row displayed in the grid ?

    I found how to get global (ie for all of the rows) summary values (ug.Rows.SummaryValues), but I cannot find where to locate individual…

  • Checkbox column for enumerator type column.


     I am trying to use a datafilter to convert an enumerator to checkbox states. What I am doing is very similar to the issue treated in this article:

     The problem is…

  • How to implement excel comment like feature in UltraGridCell in UltraGrid?

    When you enter a comment in excel cell a red tip is displayed at the top right end of that cell and when mouse hovers over that cell the comment gets displayed. Please let me know how this feature can be implemented in Ultragrid(Windows).

  • Re: Can't access SelectionStart unless the Editor is in edit mode.

    Hai Korach,

    When i trying to use performaction(entereditmode) only , i got this error. That why i got confused. Is there any other issue?

  • UltraGrid/DataTable memory usage

    Hi all,

    This is something of a broad question, and I'd appreciate any experience or advice people might have.

    I'm finding that the UltraGrid can sometimes consume a lot of memory. I'm loading data from raw text files (50 MB in total) and displaying…

  • Data binding a subordinate property


    We usually define some columns according to the targeted properties of [Business Object Type] and then bind the UltraGrid's "DataSource" to a "BindingList<[BO Type]>. This works well as long as each column key equals to a property name of [BO Type…

  • Glyph Style at WinGrid columns

    Hi there,


    I have the last release of NetAdvantage for Windows Forms, and i saw the great new feature that posibility us to make our own Glyph at WinEditors. Now my question is: There is the same feature in the WinGrid for the boolean columns?


    Thanks in…

  • apply a color on a row with the conditionnal formatting


    i wan't to change the color of the ENTIRE row with a conditonnal formatting.

    I've used the ValueAppareance of the column but only this column have the color.

    How to apply a color on the entire row ?

