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  • Dynamically show/hide ZoomBar

    I am trying to dynamically show/hide the ZoomBar based on a flag in code.

    I tried this in code-behind:

    XamZoombar zoom = this.xamTimeline.Zoombar; 
    if (zoom != null)
          if (zoom.Visibility == System.Windows.Visibility.Visible)
              zoom.Visibility = System…
  • Databinding to Timline Axis

    I am trying to databind to the timeline axis so users can change it from a datetimeaxis to a numerictimeaxis. Can anyone please help me.

    This is what I had in my xaml:

    <ig:XamTimeline x:Name="xamTimeline" Axis="{Binding DynamicAxis}"/…
  • Opening Details

    Is it possible to programatically open the details window of the timeline control by clicking on the event title area rather than the timeline event point?

    Thanks for any help,


  • Specifying a Width on the Legend


    I'd like to be able to set the width on the legend of a timeline.  Here's my current code:

    <Style x:Key="XamLegendStyle" TargetType="ig:TimelineLegend">

                <Setter Property="Width">


  • Stacking Entries on a Timeline


    I have a xamTimeline which is displaying a series of entries with a start date and a duration.  Often, the duration will extend over the start date, and the two areas of the timeline will overlap.  How do I stack the overlapping timelines?

  • Re-color Individual DateTimeEntry


    I'd like to change the color of a single DateTimeEntry in a series.  For the chart, my solution was to create a second series of the items to be the secondary color, and hid it from the legend.  However, no such option exists on DateTimeSeries…

  • Force Certain Number of Ticks


    Regardless of the zoom level, I'd like my timeline to always have 10 tick marks visible.  How do I accomplish this?

  • How can I get all the titles to display on xamTimeline?

      How can I get all my 25 titles to show on the timeline? As you can see from below screenshot only 3 titles are shown. I need all 25 titles represented by each dot to show. How can I accomplish this?

    Here is my code:
    <igtl:XamTimeline x:Name="xamTimeline…
  • how to programmatically set the XamTimeline SelectedTime property

    I can see that it's very easy to set the SelectedTime property in xaml, but how do I set the value in code behind?

    <igtl:XamTimeline x:Name="xamTimeline" Width="1000" Height="250"   >
                        <igtl:XamTimeline.Axis  >…

  • tickmark position on timeline

    Hi, we are using the timeline control to show data for example for the "past 3 years", e.g 06/13/2008 - 06/13/2011. But on the axis we only want to show tickmarks for every full year.

    I am using:

    DateAxis.UnitType = DateTimeUnitType.Years;
  • Where is the click event from the buttons from the Axis?

    Hi, I need know where is the Event that when you clicked in the left or right button from the Axis move the Zoombar. And too the Event that you clicked in the Thumb that show the Details.

    I revised the code from the style of the TimeLine but I don't find…

  • adding events based on mouse click

    I'd like to add a new event to the timeline based on the location of a mouse click.  My question is how to tell where on the timeline the user clicked?

  • Databinding of ScrollPosition and ScrollScale

    Is databinding of the ScrollScale and ScrollPosition properties of the timeline axis supported? I am seeing strange behavior in my application where the ScrollScale binding seems to work, but ScrollPosition does only work intermittently, it just defaults…

  • Multiple Axes

    Is there a way to have multiple axes lines on the XamTimeline?   I would like to have multiple horizontal lines with multiple DatetimeSeries on each one in the same zoomable timeline.

  • EventSpan Width


    I create a new control template for event span that contains a TextBlock displays the event name.

    The problem is that when the text is long, the event span is also grow and so it is cut.

    I try set to TextBlock

  • XamTimeLine - Problem to change the Maximum and Minimum values


    I have ta problem in xamTimeLine control to set the Maximum and Minimum properties in code.

    The first time it works but in the second time I change the values of these properties, I get the following exception:


  • xamTimeLine - left/right buttons on Axis not working on Touchscreen

    We are evaluating the xamTimeline Silverlight control and it seems the left/right buttons on the axis are not working when using a touch screen. They work using the mouse, but touching on the screen does not move the "Zoom" window to the left or right…

  • XamTimeLine - Set specific time in the center of current view


    We are using the xamTimeLine control and want force the current real time always be in the center of the scroll view.

    We try do it by change the Maximum and Minimum properties each second, but it is failed with: "Object reference not set" exception…

  • Different Unit/UnitType between Axis and PreviewAxis

    I have a xamTimeline where i have set up the Axis with UnitType="Months" and Unit="3", which looks great on the lower axis (PreviewAxis). When I zoom in using the Zoombar, now the axis looks sparse, since there is only a tickmark every 3 months.…

  • Show EventDetails when clicking on EventTitle

    By default, the event details pop up when the user click on one of the round EventSpan/EventPoint items. Is there a way to launch the EventDetails popup also when clicking on the Event Title?

    I know I can add an event handler to the event title style…

  • Usage of DataContext for LegendItem

    Hello Everybody,

    I have faced with the following situation which I cannot resolve myself,

    I need to set an Icon in the legend item, and have created the following LegentItem Style.

    <Style x:Key="LegendItemIconStyle" TargetType="ig:LegendItem">…

  • Sample showing drag from DataGrid to XamTimeline


    Is there a sample showing how to drag from sdk:DataGrid to ig:XamTimeline using Silverlight?

    And possibly also from within the XamTimeline? I want to drag an EventSpan to another date time.



  • xamTimeLine - collapse lower series pane

    We're trying to use the xamTimeline SilverLight control and move the axis all the way to the bottom of the control and only use series data in the upper pane.

    I looked at the proposed solution in this post:…

  • xamTimeline - Any way to tell if events have been removed

    When the events for the timeline do not all fit due to anti-collision of event titles, is there any way to know that?  Is there some way in this case to display a message to the user indicating they need to pay particular attention to a certain area of…

  • XamTimeLine Height and Label Customization


    I am working on XamTimeLine and trying to reduce the height of Scene.
    I tried in different ways  by setting the height property directly and Setting the Scene height peroperty in Scene Style and setting the Date Time Axis height property. But I am…