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  • TilePane_MouseLeftButtonDown problem


    i added the event MouseLeftButtonDown to the TilePanes in a xamTileView. 

    initially it's not working. when i enlarge one of the panes, it works fine on all panes. but when i restore it, it doesn't work anymore.

    is this the normal behavior…

  • Can I call a xaml page in TilePane


    I am adding the TilePanes dynamically on the XamTileView. Is there a way to call other xaml pages as content in each of these tilePanes? If so, how?



  • Styling like the AVEE demo

    I'm trying to style my tiles very much like the AVEE demo where there is no header visible, but i'm having a heck of a time reverse engineering it from the sample. The documentation doesn't have much in the way of removing the header via styles... any…

  • Spanning Rows/Columns

    Is it possible to have a TilePane span multiple rows and/or columns within the TileView? If would be a fantastic feature, wouldn't it?


  • Tilepane with frame

    Hello, I have a problem when I remove a tilepane with frame and I add a new tilepane with other frame. I have the message "Unable to load the contents of the Uri".

    This is the code: Dim navig As New Frame
    Dim tilePane1 As New TilePane

  • Paging for TileView

    Can we have datapager do the paging for TileView?

    In the samples, I see the use of a slider but was wondering if there was a more elegent way to have paging.



  • Close button in Header template

    I want to add a close button just beside the toggle button on the header template for each of the TilePane. Can you please provide me with a sample template for this?

  • Accessing a webBrowser element in a TilePane object

    Ok, I have a WebBrowser object that is part of the Template that I load when a pane is maximized. How can I access it to set it's NavigateToString property?

    I've tried the following code in the TileView's Maximized State Changing Property (wbNew…

  • Binding ItemsSource to ObservableCollection<T> - removing doesn't work

    Hi Guys,

    when I bind the XamTileView to an ObservableCollection<T> residing in my VM

    <ig:XamTileView  ItemsSource="{Binding Widgets}">

    it does create TileViews when adding items to the Widgets ObservableCollection, but when I…

  • Styling the header

    I'm using the xamTileView more like a host for modules in an application, not for a collection of items in a dataset.

    I'm having a fit trying to style the header template. Here's what I'd like:

    • In all states, I want it to look like…
  • Animation is clunky when dynamically loading a user control

    I'm dynamically loading different UserControls based on the TileState of a TilePane within my xamTileView control. I'm loading the control based on the xamTileView.MaximizedStateChanged event, so I thought the entire animation would be finished by then…

  • BusyIndicator in tilePane

    The busyindicator doesn't seem to display if its inside a tilePane.  It behaves correctly i.e. the button is not available until bsyFoo.IsBusy is set to false.  It seems to work fine if its outside of the <XamWebTileView>.  Is there a workaround…

  • Capture a click event in a tile


    What I want to do is place a button or a hyperlink inside of each tile that is created when binding to the set of contact records queried from my database. The tiles are used in the search control which gives the user a simple summary of the contacts…

  • Prism RegionManager does not contain regions cont.......

  • Hiding the scrollbars

    Cant seem to find a way to hide the scrollbars in the xamWebTileView. We are setting the MinimizedStripWidth and MinimizedStripHeight. 



  • ig commanding

    I have not looked into the new CTP yet, I have several sl projects in production now.  Each of the apps leverage IG controls.  The commanding framework is great but very limited.  Can I expect an updated commanding framework that may allow for more advanced…

  • xamWebTileView


    Is there a way not to display the empty tiles like shown in the attached file?  Thanks!

  • Compiler errors

    For some reason one of our developers gets the following error messages when compiling under VS2008:

    The property '_UnknownContent' does not exist on the type 'XamWebTileView' in the XML namespace 'clr-namespace:Infragistics.Silverlight.Controls;assembly…

  • Minimized panel layout


    I was wondering if there was a way to change the minimized panel's layout.  My goal is to have the panels stack vertically when one is maximized, much like when the MinimizedStripLocation="Right".  However, I would like the panels…

  • User control


    I created a user control call test.xaml and would like to put between these tags :



    Is there a way to do this?  Thanks!

  • MinWidth, MinHeight

    Is there a way via XAML to set the MinWidth and MinHeight for all tilePanes, in particular with the

    pane state is minimized. I tried several different ways with no luck. Thanks in advance


  • Child controls not initialized

    Sorry if this is documented somewhere but I wasn't able to find it in any of the examples or online forums or documentation.

    Seems as though any child controls underneath the xamTileView/xamTilePanes arent getting initialized properly. For example…

  • Hide minimized tiles view

    Hi Guys,

    is there a way of hiding the minimized tiles when one is maximized? I'd really only like the one maximized to take up the whole screen and don't need the list of minimized tiles on the side.




  • Cannot get paging to work


    I am sure I am missing something obvious here.

    I am simply working through the documentation on the xamWebTileView trying to get the paging to work. I have pasted the code as per the documentation onto my xaml file but I am getting the following…

  • StripVerticalAlignment on PagePanel

    Good day.

    Please see attached image.

    I have a large image (1024x768) in the Maximized Template. I have set the PagePanel attributes below.. But there is still white space between the items in the Minimized View.. Can you please give me a sample where…