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  • GetClickedElements from a XamDataTree's context menu opening event


                             <TextBlock Text="{Binding Data.ChapterName}" />
    code behind…
  • Disable autoscroll into view when selecting node


    Is it possible to disable horizontally auto scrolling a node into view when selecting it?
    I want the tree view to act like the Solution Explorer in Visual Studio...when I click a node, no HORIZONTAL scrolling should happen automatically.


  • xamDataTree not displaying all nodes

    Hi.  I basically copied the online example that displays the continents/countries/cities from only that I'm referring to the three levels as continents/countries/regions but am not…

  • Please Help in understanding XamDataTree

    The docs for InitializeNode event says "This event is raised when a XamDataTreeNode is created."

    I've been monitoring this event in the debugger (VS2010 & Infragistics 11.2) and it appears this event only gets raised as a node comes…

  • Binding xamDataTree to Dataset Datatable with self referencing relationship

    I am trying to figure out how to bind a dataset datatable with a self referencing relationship into the tree.  I have tried many options none of witch seem to work.  I sort of understand the relationship between the TargetTypeName and the underlying data…

  • NullReferenceException

    Using: InfragisticsSL4.Controls.Menus.XamDataTree.v11.1.dll          Version: 11.1.20111.2115

    The StackTrace of the exception is attached.  I couldn't determine a way to include in this body without wacky re-formatting.  Please let me know the best way to include…

  • How can i resolve the bug?

    I have a problem when I show a ChildWindow in one screen with one xamdataTree. When i close the ChildWindow.The xamdataTree is disable.What should i do? I am using the 10.3 dll

  • XamDataTree in container with height="auto" bug ... ?


    I reported a problem back in 10.3 of this component (see ref links below). Now im a bit puzzled if the problem i now have is a related to the same or not, but ill leave this challenge to you guys.

    Problem description :

    I have a XamDataTree inside…

  • How can I use Double Click to expand the node?

    I want to Double Click to expand the node.

    What should i do?



  • Why 'NodeCheckedChanged' invoke so much

    I use xamdatatree . when I check the parent'node,the parent's NodeCheckedChanged is invode,and his child's NodeCheckedChanged is invoke.So how can i get all the checked nodes when NodeCheckedChanged invoke? I don't want it invoke so much.…

  • none

    Datatree performance.

  • Can only get the highest level to appear in the Tree

    I have defined NodeLayout's as follows:

    NodeLayout myLayout = new NodeLayout();
    myLayout.Key =
    myLayout.TargetTypeName =
    myLayout.DisplayMemberPath =


    NodeLayout myLayout2…

  • System.Windows.Data Error:

    Text file with actual copy of complete error messages attached.

    With my XamDataTree displayed, I am monitoring the Visual Studio Output window.  In the Output window I'm seeing 'System.Windows.Data Error:' periodically appear.  The messages…

  • xamDatatree Silverlight 4 application NULL reference ERROR

    I have two xamDataTree's on my page. When I click on on of the nodes from one I want the other own to filter. this is working fine. but then I want the 2nd tree nodes that are now being displayrf to have a the checkbox checked.

    I have tried a lot…

  • How to restrict dropping XamDataTreeNodes only in this parent’s Nodes collection

        XamDataTree’s Drag and Drop functionality allows you to drag nodes and drop them onto other nodes in order to add them to as child nodes or drop the dragged node to other position.  By using the NodeDragDrop event of the XamDataTree you can restrict…

  • Check box states

    Hi All,

    I have xamdatatree with data upto three levels of heirarchy. How can i know which nodes are selected. When I select only few of child nodes the parent node stays in intermediate state. But ischecked property is boolean. Can any one have any clue…

  • XamDataTree DataBinding

    Hi All,

    Can anyone provide me an example where i can get list from wcf service and bind this list to XamDataTree.

    Thanks in Advance,


  • Cannot display hierarchical data in xamDataTree with class inheritance involved

    Trying to display a hierarchy in xamDataTree based on the composite design pattern. Created base class Node which classes File and Folder inherit from. Folder has a list of Node objects since it can contain both File and Folder objects.
    Having difficulty…
  • NullReferenceException when setting binded IsSelected to false

    I have a xamDataTree where I have binded IsSelected to my objects property. Now I have a situation where I clear all selected values of my object tree. I'm doing this with a recursive method which just sets all items IsSelected value to False. When setting…

  • Silverlight XamDataTree and "Lazy Loading"

    Hi all,

    I'd like to use lazy loading in my Silverlight XamDataTree. I've already read this topic :

    But it doesn't help me. While clicking on the expansion indicator, I'd like the "ghost" node to disappear…

  • xamDataTree is self-fixing selections only when visible in VisualTree

    I have a xamDataTree control which is populated with hierarchical data. I have a bit of weird scenario where I manually select nodes from the tree. In this scenario I may have selected the parent node as IsSelected=True but not all children are selected…

  • Draw the tree only one time


    I have a problem with the XamDataTree.

    I have an editor to modify my Entity propreties where i can choose the Parent element in a XamDataTree. But when i choose an other parent, my tree is modified automatically, it moves my current entity on it…

  • Sorting & EntityCollection

    I have 5 levels of entity objects to display in a xamdatatree, and I need them to display in a sorted order. I can't make an entityCollection sort without throwing errors, so I maked those lists with  [Display(AutoGenerateField = false)]  and added a…

  • my xamData Tree is not working

    I am trying to bind my xamDataTree with a property of my viewmodel. This property returns a IEnumerable collection of Directory type. this collection is comming from my entity of type directory which contains the navigation property of same type (Directory…