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    I'd like to be able to select a grid of cells in excel (for example) then click on a single cell in the grid and paste the excel data into the grid starting at the cell I've selected as the top right cell. So if I've selected a 5 by 5 array of cells...
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    All reports are a support for any client with ultrapivotgrid design a complex report is easy for any of them, it is necessary and important to export it to excel. We need to export UltraPivotGrid to MS Excel this is not supported now in UltraPivotGrid...
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    if filter is set in program like below worksheet.FilterSettings.SetRegion("A2:G2"); String[] categories = new string[] {"High", "Medium"}; worksheet.FilterSettings.ApplyFixedValuesFilter(0, false, categories); filter is set and it odes not...
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    Add support for the Excel function CELL("filename'). Currently, using this function is the only way Excel users can insert the workbook path or worksheet name in an Excel cell. We have a number of clients who use this method in their spreadsheets and...
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    We have had a number of client requests to read the cell values from cells that contain the Excel database functions: DAVERAGE, DCOUNT, DCOUNTA, DGET, DMAX, DMIN, DPRODUCT, DSTDEV, DSTDEVP, DSUM, DVAR, DVARP Currently the all the database functions...
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    I'd like the ability to export a chart and multiple charts to excel and pdf, with or without grid data. Right now, there appears to be no way to export the UltraChart or UltraDataChart to an excel equivalent without manually creating the excel chart...
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    Hi, in Documents.Excel, TableStyles can be used to simplify formatting of named tables. In MS Excel itself, these styles can contain borders (incl. lines, colours) for cells, see the image in the forum link below. Documents.Excel, does offer access...
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    Add possibility to specify formulas in UltraSpreadseet the same way as it is done in MS Excel, when you can select regions, which contribute to the formula. The same request for the WPF:
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    "XML Spreadsheet" is one of the clipboard formats used by Excel for copy/paste. At the moment, some data, like formatting and formulas are lost, when copping from UltraSpreadsheet to Excel, as Clipboard data object does not contain data format, which...
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    For example. When copied from A1("=D1+D2") to B1, I want B1 to be "=E1+E2". This is possible in SpreadSheet. So I hope the Excel Engine would implement a relative reference copy.
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    I hope the Excel Engine would implement sheet copy. example code. ----------------------------------------- WorkSheet from = workbook.Worksheets[0]; from.CopySheet("newsheet1"); ----------------------------------------- Microsoft's library can do...
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    Hi, I have a grid with CardView and all the cards are displayed as below. I have set the CardSettings.MaxCardAreaRows = 1. The datasource has a lot of columns and I'm using the UltraGridRow.CardCaption property to identify each card. The problem...
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    Dates entered with a custom format of 'd-mmm-yy' correctly display in Excel in a format similar to '8-Apr-14'. If the locale on the OS is then changed to English (UK), the cell on screen then is displayed '08-Apr-14'. In this scenario, the GetCellText...
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    When exporting an UltraGrid with UltraGridExcelExporter, it would be nice to have the possibility to enable the "AutoFilter"-feature in Excel Otherwise, our customers need to always manually enable it.