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Axis Marker and User Selected Points On Series


I've dug around the forums but haven't had much luck in finding any information related to this.  We use the WPF XamDataChart to gather incoming data and are trying to find a way to have two sets of marked points.  I haven't found a lot of information in the 

First set: These are makers that reside on the axis line.  Their purpose is to mark a point in time that some event happened.  These are placed by users clicking a button elsewhere.  This happens as the chart is being updated.

Second set: These are markers that reside on a chosen series.  They are points selected by a user, and are placed via clicking on a line at a given point.

My best guess as to how to implement this is to simply create a secondary set series that are scatter-point series that has some overhead logic to plot the points.  But if there is a simpler way (or any way, in the case of binding a marker to the axis) I would love to see!  Thanks!

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