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XamDockManager ContentPane TabHeader occupies space

Hello Infragistics,

In the past (Version 17 and 18), when a ContentPane was created with TabHeader="{x:Null}" the TabHeader would not occupy any space.

In version 22.2.20222.19, the following code occupies unnessary space, how can I totally remove the TabHeader ?

<igDock:XamDockManager VerticalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" >
    <igDock:TabGroupPane  SelectedIndex="{Binding Path=AppSer.SelectedIndex}" >
            <igDock:ContentPane Header="Test 1" TabHeader="Test 1"/>
            <igDock:ContentPane Header="{x:Null}" TabHeader="{x:Null}"/>
            <igDock:ContentPane Header="Test 3" TabHeader="Test 3"/>
            <igDock:ContentPane Header="Test 4" TabHeader="Test 4"/>

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