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XamDataChart ErrorBarSettings setting EnableErrorBarsVertical for each series point individual


I try to show in a diagram the residua, which result from the method of least squares. With the help of ErrorBarSettings I achieved to draw the residua, but with the EnableErrorBarsVertical property I can only set for all data points, whether the positive or negative vertical error bar is drawn or both. But I don't find out how to set this setting for each data point of the series individual, in order to draw the vertical error at points over the regression line down and at points under the regression line up. 

For example in the following picture, the green down and upper lines from each red point:

So my question: Is there a possibilty to set the vertical error bars for each data point individual?

Thanking you in anticipation!

King regards

  • 1400
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Ansgar,

    I implemented 2 solutions for rendering custom error bars. Please see attached zip file and make sure you read my comments that explain difference between these 2 solutions. Let me know if you have more questions about DataChart control.


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