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FilterMenu: Use Return to start Filtering

We are using the FilterMenu to filter data in a XamGrid. After typing a condition value into the textbox of the filtermenu it is not possible to start the filteroperation with the "Return" Key. What is the most efficient way to get this behaviour.

I have attached a sample solution.
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    Verified Answer
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    Filter TextBox in the xamGrid filter menu doesn’t filter on “Enter” key. In order to achieve the desired behavior you have to create a custom TextBox that would handle also the Enter key.

    Add the xamGrid generic style to your project to modify it. The generic style is located in the following folder - C:\Program Files (x86)\Infragistics\2016.1\WPF\DefaultStyles\XamGrid\generic.shared.xaml.

    Add it as a merged resource dictionary in the page.

    Create a custom TextBox extending the FilterTextBox and handling the OnKeyDown event.

    Replace the FilterTextBox with the new custom control.

    I’ve attached a modified project demonstrating this. Have in mind that this approach modifies the default filtering behavior and is possible to affect the filtering in some way.

    Let me know if I may be of further assistance.
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