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Any way to handle the case with some NULL values in the axis data?

Here is my case, I got some NULL values in my axis data, and the graph just skip these null values which make the series broke into several separated lines.  So is there way that I can use to make the graph connect all the non-null points into a  line? like there's no null value there. Any idea will do me a great favor, thanks a lot.

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  • 4618
    Suggested Answer

    Hi Yaron,

    The behavior that you are interested in may be achieved by setting the series’ UnknownValuePlotting property to LinearInterpolate as demonstrated in the following code snippet, using the ScatterLineSeries as an example.

    LinearInterpolate will cause the series to ignore incompatible values, such as Null and Double.NaN, to preserve the line continuity of the series.

            XMemberPath="X" YMemberPath="Y"
            ItemsSource="{Binding Data}"
            XAxis="{Binding ElementName=numericXAxis}" 
            YAxis="{Binding ElementName=numericYAxis1}" 

    Please let me know if you have any issues implementing this solution or if you have any further questions that I may assist you with.

    Warm regards,

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