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ComboEditor dropdown opens on value change


We need to change the behavior of ComboEditor and the required behavior should work like this.

"When user focus on the empty textbox of ComboEditor, then it should open the dropdown. In case there is some value in the textbox the dropdown should remain closed."

In the sample project attached we have extended the behavior of XamComboEditor(XamEditComboValueBehaviour). On Focus we check if the value is null or empty then open the dropdown else just let it be as it is. The issue is that the dropdown opens even though there is value in textbox. If you select a row in the grid, on selection change it sets the value of the interviewer in the comboxEditor textbox but it also opens the dropdown as well. Kindly could you suggest where is it going wrong. Your help will be really appreciated.

  • 375
    Offline posted

    Hi Chirs,

    That solution did work after making few changes in our XamEditComboValueBehaviour. Thanks for quick response. 

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