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XamDataGrid Special Operator

Hi Support,

                   I am using Infragistics WPF 14.2, I have a scenario in which I want to customize valiues that are being displayed in FilterDropDown and Operator selection list. By doing little with I am able to achieve my goal with FilterDropDown but for Operator selection list I have no idea that how to remove "Top 10", "Top 10 percentile", "Bottom" etc these operator.

                Here I am attaching a zip of my sample application that contains a screen shot of my requirement. Please review my code and screenshot and suggest me a way to complete my task.

Thanks in advance.

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  • 4618
    Suggested Answer

    Hi Umesh,

    The behavior that you are describing can be achieved by modifying the FieldSettings for the XamDataGrid; specifically, you will need to specify “DropDownList” as the FilterOperandUIType and then provide those operands that you are interested in including within that list via the FilterOperatorDropDownItems property, as demonstated in the following code snippet.

    <igDP:FieldSettings AllowRecordFiltering="True"
                                        FilterOperatorDropDownItems="Equals, NotEquals,
                                        LessThan, LessThanOrEqualsTo, GreaterThan,
                                        GreaterThanOrEqualsTo, In, NotIn"/>

    I have also attached a modified version of your project, demonstrating this behavior.

    Please let me know if you have any further questions,

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