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Delete a recurring appointment from UltraMonthViewSingle

I am trying to delete a recurring appointment from the UltraMonthViewSingle, I have reference to an appointment but it is not removed from the UltraMonthViewSingle.


        private void ultraMonthViewSingle_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)


            Point point = ultraMonthViewSingle.PointToClient(new Point(MousePosition.X, MousePosition.Y));

            Appointment appointment = ultraMonthViewSingle.GetAppointmentFromPoint(point);

            if (appointment != null)


                    if (appointment.RecurringAppointmentRoot != null)


//recurring appointment, does not work removes only current appointment not series

                        appointment.RecurringAppointmentRoot.IsRemoved = true;

                        appointment.IsRemoved = true;




//edit appointment, this works

                        appointment.IsRemoved = true;





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