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Licensing for document engine and excel engine?

Both the document engine (Infragistics.Web.Documents.Reports) and the Excel engine (Infragistics.Web.Documents.Excel) seem to be freely available on Are there any limitations in terms of usage and deployments?

If yes, in which minimal product are these two libraries packaged? Ultimate UI for Windows Forms?

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    The packages you mentioned are not for WinForms, they are for web and they are free because they are for trial customer(can use for 30 days only).

    For Winforms control i would recommend you to go through this online help document to understand how to consume nuget packages and what is the license feed.

    So basically you should be using packages from here or run the installer and download the local packages :

    We have excel and reporting packages for all the products , for your Winforms control you would be using them like this:

    also if you have license for Winform controls (for specific version) then you would have access to all the Winform packages(but not for web)
