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Setting background of child rows after a column sort

First just a short thanks to all who have posted here, I have solved many a problem with all the great solutions provided.

Today, I have a grid with hierarchiel data that has child rows. I want the child rows to be the same background as the parent row. I found how to do this initially with the initialize row event. It looks like this and works just fine:

            if (e.Row.ParentRow != null)
                e.Row.Appearance.BackColor = e.Row.ParentRow.IsAlternate
                    ? e.Row.ParentRow.Band.Override.RowAlternateAppearance.BackColor
                    : e.Row.ParentRow.Band.Override.RowAppearance.BackColor;

But if I now sort the grid based on a column, the child rows no longer maintain the backcolor. I thought to make a method that implements similar logic (see below). But running it after the sorting operation, it does not work as expected with many children mis-colored from their parent.

        private void SetChildRowBackground()
            foreach (var row in grid.Rows)
                if( row.HasChild() )
                    foreach( UltraGridChildBand child in row.ChildBands)
                        foreach( var childRow in child.Rows)
                            childRow.Appearance.BackColor = row.IsAlternate
                                 ? childRow.ParentRow.Band.Override.RowAlternateAppearance.BackColor
                                 : childRow.ParentRow.Band.Override.RowAppearance.BackColor;

Is their a more appropriate approach?


Parents Reply Children
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