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Graphing charts are blurry on retina displays?

I'm noticing that my bar chart's lines and text labels are blurry compared to other text and lines in my app - almost like maybe there is some pixel rounding going on. Is there any option or suggestions on how to force a higher quality rendering? It's nitpicky, but improving that level of detail would make my app look a lot more crispy..

  • 40030
    Offline posted

    Hi Roger, 

    Good eye! B/c of the performance of the iPad 3 we weren't rendering the chart at the highest possible quality. But we want you apps to look as crispy as possible :).  So we're going to add a property for rendering quality so that you can control the level of detail. There would be a slight performance hit for the initial rendering, that would really only be noticeable if you were rending a LOT of data and really only on an iPad 3. As you're using a bar chart, i don't see that as being an issue.

    I'll create a case for this, and make sure this fix goes into the upcoming Service Release. 

    Thanks for the feedback!


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