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UILongPressGestureRecognizer and unified version of IG dll


I was using UILongPressGestureRecognizer to get a long tap from day view of the CalendarView while using classic version of IG.dll - all worked fine. AT some point I converted a project to unified version using IG.Unified.dll and only last week noticed that my working code to do with UILongPressGestureRecognizer does not call selector anymore.

I created 2 identical very simple project - classic and unified and the same - unified does not call the selector.

Is there something that is changed in a way it works.

I am attaching both versions - 

CalendarAppointmentsAsync_CS - working version non unified

App1 - exactly the same code but built as unified

To see the problem just tap for longer then 2 seconds on a day view.
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