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Infragistics DevTools 19.2 build 19.2.20192.8

Hi, I need helping about this topic, I have an installer 19.2 but when it's installed the version build is 19.2.20192.29 and I need version build 19.2.20192.8.

I hope someone helps me...

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  • 1560
    Offline posted


    Since version 19.2.20192.8 is lower than the currently installed one, my suggestion is to first uninstall it. After that, you could download the required version from our website under your account -> Downloads section. There you could select the required version from the drop-down and after scrolling to the ASP.NET product to download the Complete Bundle or Product And Samples of the required build:

    Let me know if I may be of any further assistance.

    Teodosia Hristodorova
    Associate Software Developer

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