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Responsive CssClass on WebDropDown


We need to configure the WebDropDown with a responsive look and feel of Inspinia.

for DropDownList the class we use is:

<asp:dropdownlist id="cmbEstado" runat="server" CssClass="form-control-sm form-control input-s-sm" AutoPostBack="True"></asp:dropdownlist>

and it's displayed as:

but, when we use this class on webdropdown:

<ig:WebDropDown ID="cmbPlaca" runat="server" Width="100%" EnableAutoFiltering="Server" EnableLoadOnDemand="True" EnableClosingDropDownOnSelect="False" AutoPostBackFlags-SelectionChanged="On" CssClass="form-control-sm form-control input-s-sm" StyleSetName="Default"></ig:WebDropDown>

the control display as:

How should we configure the class to work correctly?


Hector Moreno
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  • 4315
    Offline posted

    Hi, Héctor.

    We have discussed this matter internally in our case system, but I'm going to post my answer here also.

    I'm attaching a modified demo, where some of the WebDropDown classes are overwritten in order to achieve design similar to the ASP.NET Drop Down. Because both controls are different and WebDropDown has his own containers, custom CSS classes are needed.

    Thank you once again for using our product!

    Best regards,

    Nikolay Alipiev

    Software Developer

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