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DateTime field not maintaining correct value after postback

Hi Team,

I am using BoundDataField along with DateTimeEditorProvider. When i put some value in editor in client side it is changing it's text after postback. I am attaching web project for more details. I am using infragistics version 17.


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  • 6365
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    Hello rmsdev,

    Thank you for the sample applicaiton you have provided.

    I tested the behavior you have described in regards to the time changing for the BoundDataField on postback and it seems that this issue has been fixed in the latest Service Release for ASP.NET 17.1 (20171.2052), while your application is using the RTM (20171.1001).

    You can download the Service Releases by logging to our web site and going to Account\My Keys and Downloads.

    If you have any questions, please let me know.

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