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UFT 14.5 upgrade testing

In our application, when we tried to highlight the existing objects from Repository using UFT14.5,  the objects are getting highlighted and when we tried to  execute the scripts from UFT/ALM using the same objects , we are getting “The operation cannot be performed” error . We are not able to perform any actions using the existing objects in UFT 14.5 version.


And also the objects are not recorded as expected when we tried to record the actions using UFT14.5


For example:

Existing Object in Repository(captured using UFT12)




Recorded object(Existing object) in UFT14.5

SwfWindow("WCMS_Main_Window").SwfWindow("TopicCommunication_Window").SwfEditor("txtIssue_EmbeddableTextBox").SetCaretPos 0,0

Please help.

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  • 28945
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    Hello Anand, 

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics. 

    Which version of Infragistics/Test Advantage, platform (wpf or windows forms) and control(s) are you testing with that do not record or playback correctly?

    Note, Test Advantage installs with samples located at the C:Users\Public Documents folder than you can test and verify. If the samples do not record properly let me know. 

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