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Question about different Icon types

I just installed several of the Icon packs and noticed that for each type there are several subfolders.  One subfolder is Adorners.  I was wondering what the difference was between those icons and the standard icons in the base folder?  There are also several other subfolders and any info on their meaning would be appreciated.



  • 17475
    Offline posted

    Hello Richard, 

    Thank you for posting! 

    The Icon in the base folder of each type shows only an image of the item that is related to this type. For example in the Bed type the Healthcare package a bed is displayed. If you need to add additional information to the picture (e.g. new bed could be added to the database), an image of a bed with a plus sign would be an appropriate choice for a button that is used to add new bed.

    Each folder in the Addorners adds slightly different meaning to the icon and usually shows an action that could be done – plus for adding, cross for deleting, question for help, etc. The Disabled folder contains a greyscale images that could be used when an action is disabled.

    I hope this helps. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to let me know.

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