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how to set the ScheduledStart,start,ScheduledFinish dates for ProjectTask

i have a gantt Chart the start date of the project tasks i set it from the dataBase for testing purpose i set the date manually but after setting the date is old than than the current date but the task start is always showing the current date please check and confirm me how can i set the date other than the current date following is the code block for creating the task

 ProjectTask a = new ProjectTask
                TaskName = "a11",
                IsManual = false,
                //Start = Convert.ToDateTime("#3/3/2013#"),
                ScheduledStart = Convert.ToDateTime("05-03-2013 02:30:00"),
                Start = DateTime.Parse(String.Format("{0} 10:00 AM", "05-03-2013")),
                ManualDuration = ProjectDuration.FromFormatUnits(4, ProjectDurationFormat.Days),

can you please tell me how can i upload sample image for this post

  • 37874

    Hi mkoteswarararo13,


    I am not sure what is the issue. Is it possible for you to provide a small sample reproducing the issue? You can add it as an attachment from the Options tab when writing a response.

    Thank you.

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